What’s a bailout? It’s when the State gives taxpayer money to rich people in the interests of the economy. In 2008, following unchecked greed on the part of banks, they were bailed out by the US government, and none of the higher-ups faced any consequences whatsoever. Rich people always win, poor people always lose. The super rich are not even subject to basic consequences – no wonder they’re so entitled.
Bailouts are nothing new. They go way back. In Britain, after the abolition of slavery, who do you think the government compensated? Was it the slaves, for their years of forced servitude? No, of course not – it was slave owners and traders, and the national debt Britain incurred by doing this only got done being paid off in 2015. The slaves didn’t get a penny.
Don’t you see? The true nature of the world has not changed in centuries. Progressive and free as we think ourselves now, we still live under the tyranny of the super rich and a State which will do anything to make sure they aren’t toppled. People are still either too blind to see or too complacent or pathetic to do anything about it. If they could get away with it, the rich would still be enslaving people today. And yet we let these people control our economies?
This site isn’t addressed to politicians. Why? Because politicians are among the rich themselves; they aren’t going to change anything. The message here is intended for the ordinary, working-class people who make the whole machine’s cogs turn. If anyone’s going to make a difference, it’s them.
Pursue Injustice
Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote, “I am in Birmingham because injustice is here.”
We must confront injustice wherever we find it. Injustice must be pursued, or else it will simply reappear elsewhere. Its perpetrators must not be allowed freedom to do whatever they wish, but must be detained. The world needs more pursuers of injustice, who will go out of their way to end it. Those are the real heroes. Are you a hero? Do you count yourself among our allies?
Martin Luther King, Jr. also wrote, “Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial ‘outside agitator’ idea.”
That’s exactly right. It is the greatest cowardice and complacency to not pursue injustice just because it doesn’t directly affect you, and it will eventually lead to you suffering your own injustice. And unless you’re wealthy, you have been and are being affected by the injustices perpetrated by the super rich.
Ultra Pecuniam
The only way to resist money is to play a different game. If you play the money game, you will lose to the super rich. Money can therefore solve nothing. You cannot win with money. Moreover, if you can be bought (i.e., you crave money and the things it can buy), you will not win, either. You must abhor excessive wealth.
1 Timothy 6:10 says, “The love of money is the root of all evil.” If the world lived by this phrase, then things would be different. The super-rich lovers of money are the cause of almost every single one of the problems faced by the working class. They deserve the utmost disrespect. In a world where everyone took the evils of greed and psychopathy seriously, they would not exist.
So, it’s time to do exactly that. Do not ever be in deference to a rich person. Do not pursue extreme wealth. Do not give them the benefit of your doubt – they don’t deserve it. Take flash cars and fashionable clothes for exactly what they are: symbols of the void that exists inside the people who obsess over them. When you see a really impressive-looking rich person, instead of admiring them, turn your thoughts instead to the people who are marginalized and overshadowed by them. The super rich will never be deposed until people stop admiring them.
End the age of adoration. Put the “love” to bed. The super rich are modern slavers in that they will do anything to pay the least amount they can for the most work possible. Nothing they do provides any lasting benefit for anyone else. Contrary to what they believe, they are not the only people on the planet worthy of a decent life (it’s classic narcissist behavior to refuse to acknowledge anyone else’s merits).
Every single one of the rich are self-loving, self-centered, Machiavellian, and psychopathic. The act of being rich is inherently self-serving and therefore is a “fuck you” to everyone else. But the rich simply cannot live a moderate life and be happy with it. They always push for more. Their biggest problems are things like having to walk all the way downstairs to get to their personal gym. They are not real people with real problems – they are fake people with entirely fabricated problems.
Dethrone them!
Become extra pecuniam!
Strip away their decadence!
Bear the Black Feather!