Rewarded For Failure: How the Rich Get Away With Everything

When a company is failing, perhaps you believe there should be repercussions for those higher-ups who have failed to steer it into good waters, but no. What often happens is that people lower down in the company have to take pay cuts or even get laid off – all so that the salaries of those running it don’t change. The audacity of these people is astounding. And yet they can do it and still sleep at night because they are all psychopathic. Rates of psychopathy in boardrooms are significantly higher than in the general population.

CEOs, directors, investors – they are never the ones who take the hit, despite their huge pay and power within the company, and despite the fact that the company’s failure is almost certainly their fault. Why should ordinary workers with no management capacity have to take the fall so that these cretins don’t take a pay cut?

When you’re employed, you’re expected to be successful at your job, and if you aren’t, you get fired. Yet the principle isn’t the same for the management class. They can fuck up as much as they want and literally endure no consequences as long as they’re delivering profit (which they will, after you and a hundred of your colleagues have been laid off to compensate for their failure). In any reasonable world, this would be illegal, but they get away with it every year.

But that’s always how the super rich set themselves up: if there are any repercussions at all for their greed, then it’s not them who will suffer said repercussions; it’s the State and the ordinary people. They must at all times be immune to consequences.

Ever heard this: “If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.” It’s true. For many people, getting a speeding ticket would mean financial ruin. But for a rich person it’s less than pocket change. One consequence for the lower class, another for the upper class (which is to say, no consequence at all for the upper class).

This site has explained how being poor often costs money, but it’s even worse than that – if you’re poor, you actually have more laws to obey than those who aren’t! The crime is not speeding; the crime is being poor. The law exists for the benefit of the ruling class, not for everyone’s. In the past, monarchs were immune to most laws; now, the same is true for the super rich. Nothing has changed about the ruling class. They used to be monarchs, now they’re businessmen. They still rule on a hereditary basis (thanks to inheritance). They still reign unquestioned.

They have not only drained the poor, whom they hate, but they pursue them with legal vindictiveness. Or, rather, their enforcers do it for them because they’re too self-absorbed to do anything of worth themselves. They are leeches and parasites, making money off the back of the working class and then condemning them for being poor.

But such is the narcissism of these types that they don’t see themselves as dependents (which is exactly what they are). Like all narcissists, they construct glorified, highly unrealistic images of themselves that have no connection to any real achievements. They are the most entitled people in the world. They live off their own special kind of welfare – inheritance – and imagine that society would be nothing without them. In fact, they are the Bourgeoisie looking after bourgeois interests, and fuck the working class. They are so deluded, they think they deserve to be able to do whatever they want without consequence, while knowing full well that everyone else is held to a more stringent standard.

These vampires get together at their circle jerks and plot to swindle you. They speak of ordinary people as if they were cattle to be herded this way and that. They don’t consider you a human. You’re a resource – just like any insignificant dollar they own. They throw away life-changing amounts of money on a whim and it means nothing to them. Collectively, they play and gamble with the world like it’s their toy. It’s time someone stood up to them. Not just someone – all of us.

Philanthropy Is a Lie

The word philanthropy comes from the ancient Greek words philo (“to love”) and anthropos (“humanity”) – literally “love of humanity”. And it’s one of the most egregious lies ever told. Philanthropy – when a rich person gives away a small portion of their vast fortune to make themselves look good – does practically no real good. Why? Because it’s always limited and only addresses symptoms, not the real problems. The super rich don’t want to change the systems that lead to problems like poverty and hunger and unaffordable medical bills because doing so would force them to give away far more. So, instead of working for political change or funding R&D into projects that aren’t likely to make a quick return (but might benefit the public enormously), they do philanthropy, which is essentially a way for them to look like good people while doing nothing to address the broader problems and at the same time strengthening their networks. Yes, they may do some good in the process, but the primary purpose of philanthropy is self-serving and feeds the narcissism of super-rich billionaires, and if they really wanted to do good, they could do much better.

These people don’t love humanity; they love themselves to infinity. They are thieves and liars and inveterate cunts. Their only goal is to secure the most enjoyable existence for themselves. They think themselves above the standards expected of everyone else. The world would be infinitely improved if every single one of them simply dropped dead.

Yes, Your Favorite Billionaire Is an Asshole, Too

That includes Elon Musk, who is not the Second Coming of Christ, as plenty of people once believed (and some still do) – just another billionaire with all the usual trappings of narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy. He loves being rich, as you can imagine, and cares not a single shred for anyone who’s part of the working class. His father owned a lucrative engineering business in South Africa and his family was wealthy even when he was young.

It’s the same tired billionaire story yet again, just like that of Trump or Bill Gates. At what point did they lose their empathy? The answer is that they never had any. That’s what made them what they are.

They are thusly enemies of the people, always acting out of self-interest yet given enormous power and often immunity to consequences.

It’s nothing short of astounding that people imagine Trump to be some kind of hero. All he did was get a million dollars (and then some!) from his father in order to jumpstart his business and then brags about his business acumen! How many people could be so much more successful if they had the same advantages? And this guy is going to “drain the swamp”? Don’t be stupid. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’s a dark triad businessman, just like all the biggest ones. He is no ally of the working class.

Going Green Is For the Poor

The super rich will do absolutely nothing to give up their lifestyle, no matter what. They will preach to you about stopping climate change and pretend their companies are all about saving the planet. Yet when it comes to sacrificing any part of their lifestyle, “going green” suddenly becomes an afterthought.

Ad campaigns popularizing the concept of a carbon footprint were promoted and funded by some of the biggest polluters of all, including British Petroleum, an oil company! Why? Because it shifts the focus from big polluters to you. Instead of asking, “What can we do to shut these companies down?” you ask, “What can I do to contribute?” The pollution of ordinary people pales in comparison to the pollution generated by enormous corporations. These people will do anything to shift the public dialogue about climate change away from them.

As ever, the rich consider themselves and their wants immune to the standards expected of everyone else. They’re destroying the planet, and it’s apparently our job to pick up after them. It’s ordinary people who are expected to face the consequences of pollution, never the billionaires. How much longer will we allow them to fuel their extravagant lifestyles and corporate interests while preaching to the rest of us about our carbon footprint?? If anyone needs to “go green”, it’s oil companies.

And guess what? When we’re finally over the tipping point and have to start living more modestly, the super rich will yet again be immune to the consequences. It’s always the same: they engage in reckless behavior, and then the ordinary people are expected to deal with it.

You Can Make It

You hear these stories all the time in the news. This person used to be at rock bottom, but now, they’re a successful business owner. What the news never features are the opposite: stories about all the people who didn’t “make it”. What of them? What are you supposed to do when things don’t go as planned? People don’t like to talk about that, yet it’s a reality for millions of people. In this respect, the focus should turn to the system itself. How good is the system (of education and government), if 90% of people never hit their stride, never succeed, never reach their true goals in life, and never reach their full potential? What does it say about the State that it’s failed to such a degree?

Most governments are self-evidently weak, flimsy structures, always caving under monetary incentive. They take bribes. They are mercenaries, not interested in protecting their people as much as they are in financial power. They pretend to have values, but they are desiccated and bleeding. The façade isn’t fooling anyone.

The world is in thrall to money, and the billionaires – the ones with the most money – are the puppetmasters, making everyone dance at their whim. No one says no to money. It can promise you things beyond your wildest dreams. And for most people, it’s well worth selling their integrity to get what they think they want.

Bill Gates said, “Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point. Its utility is entirely in building an organization and getting the resources out to the poorest in the world.”

Yeah, that doesn’t stop you being worth $130 billion, does it, you cretin? This man imagines he’s some sort of generous giver, yet he can apparently think of no better way to “get the resources out” than by living in a mansion worth millions of dollars and creating the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which, again, is a philanthropic organization and therefore totally subordinate to the interests of the rich and powerful. Said foundation does nothing to address wealth disparity in the world and instead does its own selected good, thereby making Bill Gates et al. look like good people.

If you truly care about the poor, you must go after rich people. After all, rich people are the reason poor people are as poor as they are. Little, isolated forms of good (such as donations, funding programs to help the poor, food banks, etc.) are acceptable but by no means the solution to the overarching problem. Apparently, Gates, with his (albeit incomplete) Harvard education, doesn’t understand that. Or perhaps he, like all billionaires, does understand that and simply doesn’t care. Incompetence or malice – take your pick, Billy!

In its existence since 2000, what, after all, has the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation achieved? After 24 years, where are its lasting results? Nowhere – wealth is just as imbalanced (in fact more so!) as it was back then. But we shouldn’t expect anything else from a billionaire. They’re not on our side, even if they pretend to be. And it’s not like Bill Gates came from a poor family, so why would he care? He’s a deluded narcissist, faking humility for the world.

Bill Gates also said, “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake.”

The delusion of this man is staggering. Not everyone can die rich, Billy! Or even with modest means! There isn’t enough to go around because you and your buddies, like Warren Buffet, all hoard it and keep it to yourselves instead of using it in productive ways to change the system that allows for you to exist! And who is this guy to talk of being born poor?? His father was a lawyer and his mother was a corporate director! It’s absolutely ludicrous that he imagines everyone who’s born poor can climb out of the gutter and have a comfortable living! Not only that, it’s your mistake, according to him, if you fail to miraculously escape from poverty! Typical billionaire – blaming the abused and disenfranchised for being where they are. He’s no different from the likes of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

It’s so typical for those who come from backgrounds of privilege to talk of success as if it’s easy, because they have had every door opened for them, every advantage given to them along the way. They are totally detached from conditions of reality for most humans. Try founding a tech company while you’re busy working twelve hours a night at some industrial estate. And then, when you fail, Bill Gates will say it’s your fault – you just didn’t have the dedication!! You should have been programming while you were too tired to stay awake and literally falling asleep while on your feet!!! What, you want to have a healthy amount of sleep? You’ll never get anywhere with that attitude!!!

It’s because Bill Gates is so detached from what it is to live in poverty that he can make such outrageous claims. He has no idea what being born poor is like, so of course he assumes that, because he had the opportunity to succeed massively, everyone must have it too. He’s living in a fantasy land.

Remember, being a billionaire and being a decent person are mutually exclusive. You cannot be both. Francis of Assisi, born to a wealthy family, gave away all his money to live in poverty. His rich friends and family mocked him and treated him with scorn, and yet he chose to go without the comforts of wealth in search of a spiritual awakening. That’s a person you can take seriously. His actions matched what he professed to believe in.

And then we have Bill Gates, a pretentious, self-satisfied cunt obsessed with showing the world how “good” he is and living in luxury all at the same time. He’s laughable. You cannot know who he is and also believe what he says. He’s a fraud.

Fuck Bill Gates, and fuck every billionaire who thinks they can deceive people into believing that they’re a good and generous person. They’re self-evidently not.