Monarchy: The Greatest Crime

People who imagine that the public personas of the British royal family are genuine are beyond stupid. A persona is a mask – something that hides what’s underneath. So, what is underneath? Nothing good, you can be certain of that.

In British law, there’s all kinds of exemptions when it comes to the monarchy. We don’t know, for example, how much wealth the monarch has. Queen Elizabeth the Dead once lobbied to change a transparency law so that she – the monarch – did not have to disclose her financial stakes in anything, and companies that had investment from her didn’t have to disclose it. In a poll on a popular news site, the majority of people voted that the queen shouldn’t have to disclose her financial affairs – in a country where everyone else did!!! Could the British public be any more braindead?!

Monarchy is the most unacceptable insult to humanity, and Britain should be ashamed for supporting it. Yet working class Brits somehow adore the royal family – hundreds of thousands lined up to see the dead queen, with waiting times stretching up to 25 hours! The line stretched for ten miles! It’s like lining up to see a dead raccoon, isn’t it? – a completely pointless creature that never did the British people any good. That’s how hopelessly brainwashed most Brits are – they will actually stand outside for 25 hours to pay respects to their oppressor, the figurehead of privilege in Britain! Could they be any more stupid?

Britain is highly traditional and privilege-based. There’s nothing more British than working-class people sucking up to privilege. The Conservative Party is routinely supported by many – any other party only gets in power when people become sick of the Conservative prime minister. Yet they never learn their lesson. The Tories always come back. Tories are as inherent to Britain as wetness is to water.

What is called monarchy, always appears to me a silly, contemptible thing.
I compare it to something kept behind a curtain, about which there is a great
deal of bustle and fuss, and a wonderful air of seeming solemnity; but
when, by any accident, the curtain happens to be open – and the company
see what it is, they burst into laughter.

Thomas Paine

That’s all the royals really are. They’re people about whom a lot of fuss is made, but whose actual merit, achievements, opinions, and thoughts are utterly inept and inane. Without the “clothing” of royalty, who would these people be? – they’d be unemployed people who live on welfare (the taxpayers fund the monarchy). And that’s who they actually are. They’re talentless, prim fucks who think they own everything despite having done nothing to earn it. Their arrogance is the supreme affront to the British people.

The British royals are no different to the super rich – they’re part of the super rich, and that makes them subject to all the trappings of such people. They’re naturally selfish and self-interested, they think the world exists to serve them. They are almost certainly on the psychopathic spectrum. Absolutely nothing about them is worth admiring. They’re so inhuman (detached from human decency), they might as well be alien.

A king should be tried not for the crimes of his administration, but for that of having been king, for nothing in the world can legitimize this usurpation, and whatever illusion, whatever conventions royalty surrounds itself in, it is an eternal crime against which every man has the right to rise up and arm himself… No one can reign innocently: the madness of this is too obvious. Every king is a rebel and a usurper.


That’s right. Nothing in the world could ever justify a monarchy. It’s a crime against humanity and against merit. Why don’t the working-class Brits recognize that the monarchy is a slap in the face to everything they stand for? It’s beyond nauseating to see people respecting the foundations of privilege. This is madness.

Monarchy is tyranny. It is everyone’s right and duty to resist it. Britons who revere the monarchy have failed humanity. They are an utter disgrace to whom no intelligence can be attributed.

The inevitable division: such a State [an oligarchy – rule by the few] is not one, but two States, the one of poor, the other of rich men; and they are living on the same spot and always conspiring against one another.


It’s one system for the super rich and another for everyone else. The rich live in a different world and are subject to different rules. They can get away with a lot more than normal people can.

We will never achieve equality until we abolish the oligarchy, and have one State instead of two.

Britain is two States: one for the privileged and another for those without privilege. The unprivileged are subordinate to the privileged, and they play this role of subordinacy perfectly. Privilege is all about your background; it has nothing at all to do with who you are or how talented you are or what your achievements are. It’s therefore an unequal, unfair system by definition.

Who are the British royal family? – self-interested oligarchs born into privilege. That’s what necessarily defines them. No royal ever decides they’d rather be poor than be royal. They’re all cretins who have no decency.

Formerly, when a king died at Versailles the reign of his successor was immediately announced by the cry: “The king is dead, long live the king”, in order to make it understood that despotism is immortal!

Maximilien Robespierre

Brits have a similar refrain: “God save the king!” Their awe for the monarchy is all too apparent. Despotism will be saved by God, and that’s why God, too, must be deposed. Who is God but the ultimate despot, the ultimate oligarch? Human beings have no say in God’s rules and laws. They are imposed on us by the dictator, just like monarchy is imposed on the people. Real people are never consulted.

Oligarchy – including monarchy – is the ludicrous idea that some humans should be subjected to different (and fewer) rules than the rest. And if you believe that, if you support that by supporting monarchy, then you are a traitor to humanity.

In the movie In Time, time is literally money. Everyone stops ageing when they reach 25, and after that, they get one free year. Time beyond that must be earned. You pay for everything with time. Everyone has a clock on their arm showing how much time they have left to live. Many people’s clocks never go far above zero. If a person’s clock reaches zero, they instantly die. No coming back.

In the movie’s world, there are of course some people with extraordinary amounts of time – centuries or more. While the ordinary people scrape by and every week could be their last, the ruling class hoards time – keeps it in vaults – to keep people dying, which accomplishes the two-faceted goal of preventing overpopulation and keeping people afraid.

Of course, the effects of poverty in the real world are no less dangerous than in this movie. Poverty kills. People in poverty die sooner than rich people, possibly because their lack of access to good medical care, or maybe due to the long-term stress associated with debt.

But this is the psychopathic nature of the super rich. They don’t care about the plight of ordinary people. They don’t care how many people have to die or live miserable lives if it means securing their power. They deserve it, or so they believe, and any price is worth paying – as long as they’re not the ones paying it. It’s always someone else who has to foot the bill.

“Let them eat cake,” Marie Antoinette said when told that the French people were starving because they had no bread. Royals are all out for themselves. They believe they have a divine right to rule. Monarchy is therefore a total disregard for humanity. What no one ever asks of a monarch is: What are you doing for your people? Because the answer must be “nothing”. A monarch is a parasite that lives lavishly off the people’s money. Not only that, ordinary people have no chance of ever becoming monarchs because it’s a hereditary role.

Monarchs see themselves as belonging to a different species; they must never mix with the rabble. They are set apart, excellent in themselves. They don’t need to achieve anything to deserve their position.

Monarchy is an unacceptable subversion of merit; it is therefore a vehicle of tyranny and must be destroyed.

In modern Britain, the monarchy is now so functionally useless as to be irrelevant. It doesn’t make laws anymore. It doesn’t declare war. It doesn’t do much of anything at all. It’s just a pointless appendage. It gets harder to justify every year. But it’s not in fact irrelevant – because it’s a symbol of privilege, the driving force of British society. If the monarchy disappears, Britain will face an identity crisis. As it should. If the British people cannot define themselves without respect to a privileged monarchy, what is the point in them?