Life Is Rigged

Imagine this: you’re born into a rich family with means far beyond those of most people. You’re brought up to be self-sufficient and use your means to your advantage. Through your family’s connections, you get a good, high-paying job, and eventually start your own business. To you, life is a very different game than it is for the poor. You feel far more capable due to your vast resources. You’ve never had to struggle or scrabble for a place in society. You have no idea what it’s like to not have any means, any money, or any wealthy friends. What kind of conclusion do you come to about the world?

The answer is that you become entitled. You believe your “achievements” are worth something when in fact, it was never in doubt that you would succeed (therefore, you didn’t achieve anything). You see poor people as lazy scroungers, unwilling to just succeed like you did. Why don’t they start businesses? It’s because they don’t have the will to do it. You, on the other hand – you did. You’re stronger, better than them. They cling to their ineptitudes while you are anything but inept. It’s only right that you should be in this position. The world is fair and just.

Now, consider the opposite perspective. You’re born to a family of virtually no real means. You consequently live paycheck to paycheck, barely able to save anything up for any worthwhile amount of time. Your bills keep going up, yet your income stays more or less the same. You have to treat everything – even luxuries – with a sparing, reserved attitude. There are many things you’d like but can’t afford, and sometimes you have to sacrifice things you usually enjoy, just to ensure that you can eat. Sometimes, you can go days without having any food in your home. Everything is precious, every dollar, every cent. What would this person conclude?

They’d know that life, inherently, is unfair. Work doesn’t always give equal reward. It is only through sustained, long-term work and struggle, and an unfailing optimism, that you can survive. These people are the real heroes overcoming real challenges. When faced with real crises, they are prepared to tackle them like anything else. They end up being more resilient than the billionaire could ever dream of being. They have the opposite of entitlement and work for everything.

Do you see how these circumstances create vastly different people? The rich person is entitled and believes he is the best for no justifiable reason – simply because he has been successful (due to his means). He has no real understanding of talent and work – he assigns these words a totally different meaning to what the working class do. To him, work is just a minor inconvenience. But the poor person – they face obstacles. They are challenged; they must learn humility to improve themselves. Enduring what they have, they are blessed with a strong sense of empathy and an understanding of other people’s struggles. They can be a buoy for others in their times of need.

The upbringing of most rich people has utterly blinded them to the real world. Having no idea what it means to struggle to survive, they adopt an overbearing, entitled, simplistic, and fantastical attitude. They don’t have real problems. Their problems are absolutely minuscule. They whine and complain over the smallest detail, because their struggles have pathetically low stakes. Then, having failed to gain an appreciation of why you shouldn’t take things for granted, they imagine that they are the cream of the crop, the very best humanity has to offer. They very commonly develop narcissistic and psychopathic traits. Some of them even think to dictate to the world how the world should behave, as we saw last article with Bill Gates!

And politicians and lawmakers are very often this kind of person – this blind, ignorant, stupid, grandiose kind of person. How can we expect a good world for the “little people” if none of the little people are in charge? Rich people govern the world for themselves, not for anyone else. They’re unsympathetic for all the reasons previously given. Who in their right mind would give such people power?

Yet many ordinary people, including poor people, scarred by their trials and tribulations, admire the position of the super rich. They wish they were super rich themselves. They want the means to overcome their problems once and for all. That’s why they support the policies which prop up the rich, and which do not benefit them at all. Countless braindead people vote for conservative parties. The working class needs to become smarter if it wants to be free. It needs to wise up and quit giving rich people its support. The super rich are your exploiters, not your friends, and they would gladly ruin your life (and do ruin countless lives every day) if it was convenient to them. Their values – inheritance being a primary example – are screwing you over. Inheritance is literally how the super rich prevent the redistribution of wealth after their death and ensure the continued poverty of billions of people. What are you thinking?!

You’d have to be insane to support inheritance. It’s become the modern continuation of hereditary rule, which is always unfair – it’s based not on achievements but on birthright. Answer this question: Do you agree that every office and every position should be reserved for those best suited for it? If yes, then you must be an enemy of inheritance, since inheritance runs directly contrary to this proposition. Inheritance puts dunces and dumbasses in charge all the time and thinks nothing of it. Inheritance allows 1% psychopaths to dictate to the 99%. Inheritance is never excusable in any country on earth.

If you don’t agree with that proposition, then you are admitting your own idiocy, since only a fool would want anyone but the best in charge. Government should be reserved for the best at governing; those in charge right now plainly aren’t the best and never have been. Why? Because they derive their power from inheritance, which does not make any guarantees regarding a person’s talent or merit.

Do you agree that every office and every position should be reserved for those best suited for it? Then you are a meritocrat and it’s your duty to campaign for a government that ensures merit trumps inheritance. Governments today are far too cowardly and self-interested to attack inheritance, and the super rich lobbies too hard against inheritance tax. If high inheritance tax becomes a serious possibility, they will run campaigns that shift the focus to you – frame the issue as the government threatening to take away your inheritance – and you’ll take to the streets in droves to go to bat for those who oppress you. You always do.

Next time you need to come up with an opinion on any given politician, instead of looking at their policies (which are always blatant lies), look at their background. Are they from a privileged background? If so, then they most likely don’t give a shit about any of the people they claim to care about.

The riggers of the game aren’t interested in playing fair. They are without honor. They can’t stand on equal ground to you – their ultimate fear is that you’d win, not them. So they do everything they can to ensure their own advantage. They are black holes of talent and humanity.


They want to abuse you. They want to brutalize you. They want to own you. In bygone times, they did just that with slaves. You aren’t human to them. You’re livestock. And, like all narcissistic abusers, they cannot accept fault for what they do; they say it’s your fault instead. They are preoccupied by self-interest. However earnestly you tell them to stop, they never will. It’s all a transaction. They want to abuse you and have you tell them how great they are. Textbook dark triad personalities, all of them. When will you stop putting up with them? When will you decide they’ve gone too far? When will you deliver your ultimatum to them? Or will you stay like this forever?

Resist the abusers. They have no right to impose their will on you.


So, people born into privilege are blind to the struggles of ordinary people, but as Carl Jung said, “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” Every one of them chooses to become a rich asshole; that’s on them, not their environment or family. Every one of them chooses to reject human empathy to walk the road of self-interest. They have no one to blame but themselves. They had every opportunity to ditch money if they wanted; they didn’t. They chose -and continue to choose – money and narcissism over being decent people and doing the decent thing. They have a pathological need for status and deference. They are terrified of being ordinary people because they know they have no talent and their only value lies in what connections and money and assets they have.

In an economy that didn’t rely on predatory capitalism, what would these dunces have to offer? Psychopathy and abuse is all they know, all they can express. They would rather have a dying, decrepit world than a world in which they do not rule. From the first to the last, they are utterly irredeemable. They are of no benefit to humanity whatsoever and have only acted to sap our species of all life from the day they were born. When the day finally comes in which they are deposed, humanity will be instantly better off.

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