It has always benefitted the super rich to promote stupidity. Stupid people are easy to swindle and manipulate. Hypocrisy and contradiction are everywhere.
Stupid people will believe in stupid religions. In fact, it benefits them because it gives their stupidity a cosmic justification. Prominent among the dunces soiling the brains of countless people are the Abrahamic faiths, particularly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Only someone with no critical thinking skills could believe in these religions.
How They Bypass Decency
Let’s look at the example of Abraham, a patriarch all of these religions not only accept but revere! Abraham is the archetypal believer, the man whose example you’re supposed to follow.
Genesis 22:
Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”
“Here I am,” he replied.
Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.”
So, picture this: you’re going about your day when you hear the voice in your head that calls itself God, and it tells you to take your only son and sacrifice him. According to this tale, the right thing to do is to obey. Being asked to kill your son with absolutely no justification of any kind, no reason for the act, you should do it, and that’s exactly what Abraham did:
Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.
Of course, there is one fact that Abrahamists will bring up in Abraham’s “defense” – the fact that God was merely testing Abraham, that he never intended for Isaac to die.
So, that makes it all okay? The point of this story is not to tell everyone to kill their kids; it’s to present Abraham as a role model to everyone. And what kind of role model is the man who’s prepared to murder his son at any time if God asks him to? There is no doubt that Abraham didn’t know God’s intention to save Isaac (if he did know then it wouldn’t have been a test). So, we’re supposed to revere this monstrous man, who received a heinous order and was prepared to carry it out, no questions asked.
The “angel of the Lord” came to Abraham just as he was about to commit the murder:
“Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”
So, God wants his followers to be fearful to the point where they will do anything he asks, no matter what it is!! The attitude expected by the Abrahamic religions is cowardice and blind obedience. Does that sound like ideal humanity? The story of Abraham is implicit throughout all of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Even when it’s not there, it’s always there, in the background. The rhetoric of being a submissive, unquestioning believer is never absent.
To be an Abrahamist, you must assign infinite value to God and consequently, zero value to yourself. No self-respecting person would submit themselves to such a god, and no decent person would agree to commit the atrocity of killing their own child just because some maniacal god demanded it. Gods are not unquestionable, and nor should they be.
How They Bypass Critical Thinking
Two words: child indoctrination. Most Abrahamists have been Abrahamists since they were children, and when you’re a child, you haven’t yet developed the critical thinking that would allow you to reject it. You are taken advantage of, just so that your parents can perpetuate their braindead religion. You are robbed of your right to make up your own mind.
When given the task of justifying their religion, Abrahamic apologists never start from the beginning of inquiry and see it through to its conclusion. They already know what conclusion they want, so they work backwards and try to make all the evidence fit their conclusion. Therefore, if their conclusion is false – which it assuredly is – then their efforts are in vain.
No one ever comes to the conclusion that Abrahamism is true based on their experiences alone. It’s always accompanied by indoctrination, social pressure, and manipulation.
But even as an adult, you’re encouraged to forgo critical thinking. Proverbs 3:4 says:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
In other words: don’t try to form your own opinion about anything; just accept God’s answer to everything. Your understanding is flawed and will lead you to sin.
It’s always amusing when some Abrahamist claims to think critically. a) If they are, then their critical thinking skills must be extremely bad, and b) their religion does not want them to think critically – it says so itself!
Proverbs 3:7:
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
Proverbs 3:11-12:
My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.
Saint Lawrence, while being cooked alive by the Prefect of Rome, said, “I’m well done on this side. Turn me over!” Now there’s a man who delights in rebuke!
Never resist! That’s the worst thing you can do!
In Job 42:4-6, Job says:
You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’ My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.
Well, there you have it. Do you despise yourself? You should. You are nothing compared to God. When you act or think on your own, without his guidance, you are always wrong. You’re pathetic.
Christian Love
Have you ever thought it strange that the God of Christianity has a morality revolving around love whilst also condemning people to hell? Moralities of love are incompatible with this god. He clearly acts out of a disregard for love, and yet Christians pretend that’s somehow not a contradiction.
If God loved everyone so much, he’d make them gods too, so they’re equal to him. But clearly, God’s morality is more about mastery over others, influence, power, arrogance, and vanity. You can see someone’s morality in how they act, and in the Bible, it’s never about love. It’s all about politics, beliefs, behavior, staying in line, never speaking out, always serving God, having no freedom, eradicating the gentiles, doing what you’re told no matter what. All you have to do is ask yourself, “What kind of person would be concerned with such things?” and you have your answer as to what kind of person “God” is. He absolutely doesn’t believe in loving everyone!
Christians always excuse God’s behavior in the Bible by claiming, “He didn’t want to do it, but he had to in order to deliver justice!” But the fact of the matter is that none of this behavior lines up with what people say God’s morality is all about. Justice is not disconnected from morality; it must always be in line with the morality it enforces.
The most absurd religion on earth is easily Christianity, by a very wide margin. Why? Because Christians are faced with the impossible task of reconciling Yahweh, who was originally a warrior god and a storm god, with their morality of love. Though they try, their attempts are laughable. The two moralities – warrior morality and love morality – are utterly incompatible and belong to entirely different ideologies. They cannot be mixed without resulting in nonsense. But then again, that just means Christianity can appeal to both warriors and pacifists!
Christians engage in doublethink – believing two contradictory things at the same time, which of course violates all reason and logic. To them, God can be both vindictive and forgiving, both loving and hateful, and there’s nothing wrong!
“Pick Up a Bible“
It’s always the constant refrain of Christians who see people talking negatively about their religion. “If you actually read it, you’d see that God isn’t hateful at all.” You have to laugh, especially when it’s said to someone who’s been reading the Bible for years and is fully familiar with its contents.
It’s all very revealing of how small-minded Christians are. They’d rather assume that anyone talking bad about their precious Bible has never read it than assume that they did and just came to a different conclusion. To the Christian mind, it’s inconceivable that anyone could know their religion completely and yet not be groveling and worshiping like they are.
Or, if you have read it and quote a verse they don’t like, they say, “You’re taking it out of context!” even though all they do is take verses out of context by quoting them. And, weirdly, when making this accusation, they never seem to be able to explain what the context is!
Truth is comprehensible to the Christian mind only if it fits into the Christian schema, the Christian way of thinking about the world. Anything else must be wrong.
Sinister Salvation
Judaism was, and is, a highly nationalistic religion (without it, the Jews would never have endured throughout the ages), but Christianity spread so effectively because it took the base of Judaism and layered on a globalist appeal-to-everyone topping. It was designed to unify people from different cultures while providing no strong culture itself. It weakens people, and weakens their devotion to the State, and the result is what Nietzsche called decadence.
Christianity replaces all national and personal fervor with religious fervor. Christians are never passionate about anything but Christianity. This leech of passions surely doomed the Roman Empire, just as it dooms people today.
The problem with uniting people from different cultures is that in practice, it’s actually impossible. What you really have to do is create a new culture that all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds can identify with. And Christianity did not give us a good culture. Today, it’s full of people perpetually whining about the future and trying to appear good but not actually doing anything of worth (which is the meaning of the often-misused term “virtue-signaling”). It’s full of people whose only loyalty is ultimately to themselves and their own eternal life. Threats are designed to make people selfish (by putting them into self-preservation mode), and Christianity threatens everyone with an eternity of hell. Christians must be on God’s good side, at any cost, by any means. By making individual salvation the most important issue, Christianity has produced an utterly selfish world – a world without courage, duty, loyalty (to anyone but oneself and God), discipline, or liberty.
It’s quite paradoxical, no? When people think of Christianity, they usually think of selflessness, of caring for the poor, of good will to all men. But the primary fact around which Christianity revolves is that your salvation is the one thing you cannot gamble, cannot get wrong, cannot bungle – or you’ll end up in hell, with only eternal pain and regret to keep you company. This fact overrules everything in the end. When it really comes down to it, how many Christians would be willing to give up their own salvation if it meant advancing a good cause?
That’s the question that makes them all fall silent. Because, at the end of the day, it’s not good causes that truly motivates them – it’s salvation. Christianity makes a virtue out of selfishness and dresses it up so it resembles anything but. It’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, to use the common phrase. It’s selfishness by any other name. It’s made an anti-culture out of the West, which is what “good will to all men” really means.
“St.” Paul said, “To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” (1 Corinthians 9:22) Basically, he was prepared to say anything to gain another follower. He stood for nothing and was a compulsive liar. No shame, no substantive message, no honesty. He didn’t condemn what God condemned; he didn’t say to these people’s faces that he thought they were living abhorrent lives; instead, he acted all nice just to seem non-judgmental and make Christianity more attractive to potential converts. We see this behavior in Christian preachers even today.
Christianity is a false cause dressing up each individual’s selfishness, their profanity. It might support good actions, but ultimately it does so by appealing to an extremely selfish desire—the desire for MY spot in heaven. If you do not ensure your own salvation (i.e., you don’t accept Jesus’ sacrifice) and yet do nothing but help others, you still won’t be getting into heaven. It’s not selflessness that gets you into God’s club; it’s looking after number one.
How Religion Saves the Rich
Everything originated by the privileged elite is designed to bypass your critical thinking. So, only by thinking critically can you debunk their absurd assertions. Do it for yourself.
Rich people have justified themselves and been justified for centuries by religion. The justification goes like this: whoever gets into power does so by God’s will. Thus, everyone who has power (including monarchy and nobility) is given that power by God and therefore, to try to take it off them is to attack God himself.
To make things worse, Christians have the concept of the Last Judgment, which is the time when God will commit all the sinners to hell and the rest will live in paradise. The implication here is that there’s no point in trying to improve the world because there will not be a perfect world until God sees fit to introduce us to it. Salvation is seen as more important than the present.
Religion tends to make people complacent. It’s a great pacifying tool. It presents the fantasy of equality as an eventual reality to be ensured by God and therefore, we don’t need to take responsibility for the world.
God Is Great
How do you know? Yes, his word says he’s great, but any PR campaign from any company says it’s great. In the movie End of Days, Satan calls the Bible an “overblown press kit”. If you read the Bible, doesn’t it really sound like PR (bar the archaic language)? How do you know that prophets weren’t simply God’s PR agents? How can you ever trust what a PR person says?
The simple answer is you can’t. You have to employ faith (i.e., swallow the self-glorifying narrative whole and simply hope it’s not incredibly misleading).
Consider this: what if every holy text was written by the devil and not God??? If you were the devil, that’s exactly what you’d do – make multiple false accounts of creation to mislead people. If you can’t answer these simple questions then you have no logical reason to believe in any Abrahamic religion at all. You accept it simply because it provides you with a narrative that you like. That’s the same behavior we see from corporate fanboys the world over – every other company is evil, but Apple really does their best to be magnanimous and kind!!!
People believe things that actively detract from their own interests for many reasons, but it’s never a logical reason, and it never helps them in the long run. It always helps those who benefit from weakness – i.e., the super rich elite.
Who Needs a Billion Dollars?
Why is there any such thing as a billionaire? No one needs that much money. If you’re even slightly moderate about your spending, that much money can last you much more than a lifetime. According to Forbes, there are 2,781 billionaires in the world! That’s at least 2,781 people the world would be better off without! How dare these people hoard wealth to this degree. All of them should be put on trial for depriving and manipulating the people.
And they aren’t getting any poorer – they’re getting richer. And when they die, guess what? Neither the State nor the people will see any of that money or the assets – it will all go to their kids, who will in turn grow the fortune even more.
The End of Privilege
Every decent human should seek the end of privilege and excessive wealth. Don’t make excuses for them – that’s a coward’s game.